
Instructions #

Prerequisite #

Open “Terminal” app (search in spotlight).

Type git to verify that you have GIT installed. If you don’t it will ask you if you want to install developer tools, go ahead and do that.

If you are on the new Apple Silicon Mac you need to install the translation layer for x86 code.

sudo softwareupdate --install-rosetta --agree-to-license

Install Flutter-SDK #

Now get flutter directly from github

cd ~
git clone -b stable

You need to figure out what shell you are using.

echo $SHELL

Edit $HOME/.bashrc or $HOME/.zshrc depending on the output. For the rest if the text I’m going to assume you are using zsh so the shell config is referred to as .zshrc.

You can use either vim or nano to edit the config. In nano you can save with Control+o then exit with Control+x. In vim it is ESCAPE then type :wq .

Add following line at the end of the file:

export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/flutter/bin"

Save and reboot.

Run following command to check flutter dependencies:

flutter doctor

Install Chrome if missing.

Don’t worry about the other issues for now.

iPhone #

If you have an iPhone and would like to be able to build your Flutter projects for it, then there is a bit of extra setup you need to do.

Flutter on iPhone

Next you will install an IDE for Flutter, namely Android Studio. Don’t let the name fool you, as it is great for Flutter development no matter the platform.

Continue #