The basics

The basics #

Dart is in many ways very similar to programming languages you already know.

In this chapter I’ll draw comparisons to C#, Java, JavaScript and TypeScript where relevant. If you are familiar with any of those languages you can map your existing knowledge over to Dart.

Types #

Here is a list of the basic type in Dart.

  • String
  • bool
  • List
  • Set like HashSet in C#
  • Map like Dictionary in C#
  • int
  • double
  • num can be either int or double. So, it is like Number in JavaScript/TypeScript
  • dynamic which is like dynamic in C# or any in TypeScript

You can add ? after a type to make it nullable, similar to TypeScript.

Example: valid values for the type num? are 1, 1.23, -1234 and null.

Variables #

Variables can be defined as shown below. Notice that the is <type> <name> = <value>. This is similar to Java and C#.

String name = 'Joe Doe';

In the rare cases where you need to be able to assign values of different types to a variable, you can declare the type as Object or dynamic.

Object name = 'Joe Doe';
name = 1;
dynamic name = 'Joe Doe';
name = 1;

var #

When using var instead of declaring a type, the compiler will infer the type. Meaning it will have the same type as the value right-hand side of the equal-sign.

var name = 'Joe Doe';

Here, the name variable is a type String because that is what is being assigned to it.

This is similar to how var works in C#.

final #

Variables that aren’t supposed to be reassigned should be prefixed it with the final keyword.

final String name = 'Joe Doe';

Or with the type being inferred:

final name = 'Joe Doe';

final in Dart is similar to const in JavaScript/TypeScript, to final in Java and to some extent readonly in C#.

Using final allows the compiler to do some optimizations, so it should be preferred whenever possible.

const #

It works a bit differently from final. When a variable is const it means that the values is computed during compilation. It can not be changed when the application is running.

const version = '1.0';

This is similar to const in C#.

Note: const in Dart is not the same as const in JavaScript/TypeScript. See final.

You can read more about variables in the official docs.

var, final or const? #

As a general rule, you should pick the most restrictive declaration for any variable, in the order:

  • const
  • final
  • var

Don’t jump through hoops in order to force a variable declaration to be more strict than it has to. You should quickly pick up on which to use in what situation.

Functions #

In Dart you can define functions without a class (similar to JavaScript/TypeScript).

num add(num a, num b) {
    return a + b;

Notice, that the type is written before the variable/function name like in Java and C#.

Main function #

The entry point for a program in Dart is the main function.

void main() {
    print("This prints");

void anotherFunction() {
    print("This doesn't, since it isn't being called");

Hint click the “Run” button on the code snippets to execute the code.

Dynamic types #

You are not required to specify types in Dart. If you don’t specify a type then the compiler will infer one from the context. If the compiler can’t infer a more specific type then it will be treated as dynamic, meaning any value can be assigned to it and the compiler won’t check how it is being used.

It might be tempting to just always leave out the types as it requires less typing. Doing so is fine whenever a declaration includes an assignment. That is because in such cases the compiler can determine the specific type from the value assigned to it. If you don’t have an assignment (= sign) in the same line as the declaration you will regret leaving out the type. That because then the type will be treated as dynamic, meaning the compiler won’t check any invocations/operations on the value. Which leads to errors at runtime that the compiler could have caught for you.

To better illustrate, here are some examples.


var name;
name = "Joe Doe";


var name = "Joe Doe";


divide(a, b) {
    return a / b;

  divide(1, "foobar");

Will give you a runtime error when you run the code because you can’t divide a number by a string.


The same (almost) code again. But this time it is explicitly stated that the divide function works with type num.

num divide(num a, num b) {
    return a / b;

void main(){
  divide(1, "foobar");

The compiler will now tell us that we have an error, allowing us to catch mistakes as we are writing the code.

I advise you to always explicitly define types for parameters and return values.

Control flow #

Loops & if-else #

They work exactly as you would expect.

For-each loops are similar to JavaScript.

var numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4];
for (var i in numbers) {

switch statement #

switch can be used in similar ways as in C# or TypeScript. But with the exception that each non-empty case clause jumps to the end of the switch statement. Meaning there is no need for break statement in case-clauses. You could say that it auto-breaks.

void main(){
  bool? answer = null;
  switch (answer) {
      case true:
      case false:
          print("No valid answer was given");

Try different values for the answer variable to see how it works in practice.

More details can be found in the official docs.

switch expression #

Dart also supports something called switch expressions. The block in a switch-expression returns a value that can be assigned to a variable.

Expressions evaluate to a value that can either be assigned to a value or returned. Statements do not evaluate to a value.

Anyway, here is an example of a switch-expression.

String message = switch (answer) {
  true => "Correct",
  false => "Wrong",
  _ => "No valid answer was given",

Note that _ indicates we don’t care about the value. Effectively _ => ... serves as the default case.

switch mini-exercise #

See if you can solve the following small exercise with either a switch-statement or expression.

Imagine you have an API that returns day of week as a int. The numeric values follow DayOfWeek definition in Java. Write a simple function that takes a day of the week as input and returns whether it’s a weekday or a weekend. On invalid input it should throw ArgumentError('Invalid day').

{$ begin main.dart $}
String dayType(int day) {
  // Use switch to determine if the day is a weekday or weekend
  return "";

{$ end main.dart $}
{$ begin solution.dart $}
String dayType(int day) {
  // Use switch to determine if the day is a weekday or weekend
  switch (day) {
    case 1:
    case 2:
    case 3:
    case 4:
    case 5:
      return 'Weekday';
    case 6:
    case 7:
      return 'Weekend';
      throw ArgumentError('Invalid day');

{$ end solution.dart $}
{$ begin test.dart $}
// import './solution.dart';
// import '../mock_result.dart';

// final _result = result;

typedef TestCase = (bool, List<String>) Function();

TestCase mappingTestCase(int input, String expected) {
  return () {
    final actual = dayType(input);
    return (actual == expected, ["Numeric value $input, is a $expected"]);

TestCase errorTestCase(int input) {
  return () {
    var result = false;
    try {
    } on ArgumentError {
      result = true;
    return (
      ['Numeric value $input should result in ArgumentError being thrown.']

void main() {
  final testCases = <TestCase>[
    mappingTestCase(1, "Weekday"),
    mappingTestCase(2, "Weekday"),
    mappingTestCase(3, "Weekday"),
    mappingTestCase(4, "Weekday"),
    mappingTestCase(5, "Weekday"),
    mappingTestCase(6, "Weekend"),
    mappingTestCase(7, "Weekend"),
  ].map((e) => e());
  if (testCases.every((element) => element.$1)) {
    _result(true, testCases.expand((e) => e.$2).toList());
  } else {
    _result(false, testCases.firstWhere((e) => e.$1 == false).$2);

{$ end test.dart $}
{$ begin test_import.dart $}
part 'test.dart';
{$ end test_import.dart $}

Solve this one with a switch-expression.

Write a simple function that converts Denmark’s 7-step-scale to ECTS grading scale. See Academic grading in Denmark.

{$ begin main.dart $}
// Convert 7-step-scale used in Denmark to ECTS grading scale.
String convertGrade(String grade) => "";

{$ end main.dart $}
{$ begin solution.dart $}
// Convert 7-step-scale used in Denmark to ECTS grading scale.
String convertGrade(String grade) => switch (grade) {
      '12' => 'A+',
      '10' => 'B',
      '7' => 'C',
      '4' => 'D',
      '02' => 'E',
      '00' => 'Fx',
      '-3' => 'F',
      _ => throw ArgumentError('Invalid grade')

{$ end solution.dart $}
{$ begin test.dart $}
// import './solution.dart';
// import '../mock_result.dart';

// final _result = result;

typedef TestCase = (String, dynamic);

void main() {
  final testCases = <TestCase>[
    ('12', 'A'),
    ('10', 'B'),
    ('7', 'C'),
    ('4', 'D'),
    ('02', 'E'),
    ('00', 'Fx'),
    ('-3', 'F'),
  final results = {
    final (String input, String expected) = testCase;
    final actual = convertGrade(input);
    if (actual == expected) {
      return (true, ['"$input" converted to "$expected"']);
    } else {
      return (
        ['"$input" got converted to "$actual", but should be "$expected"']
  if (results.every((element) => element.$1)) {
    _result(true, results.expand((e) => e.$2).toList());
  } else {
    _result(false, results.firstWhere((e) => e.$1 == false).$2);

{$ end test.dart $}
{$ begin test_import.dart $}
part 'test.dart';
{$ end test_import.dart $}

Variables #

The official documentation explains it better than I can.

Dart - Variables

Note const in TypeScript are the same as final in Dart. In Dart you can only declare a variable as const when the value can be determined during compilation and will never change at runtime.

Error handling #

In Dart you can throw any arbitrary object (just like TypeScript).

throw "Party!!!";

However you pretty much always want to throw types that implement Error or Exception.

Try-catch can look very similar to TypeScript:

void coolFunction() => throw new UnimplementedError();

void main() {
  try {
  } catch (error) {
      print("Oh no, oh no, oh no no no");

As indicated, having new before invoking a constructor is not necessary.

void coolFunction() => throw UnimplementedError();

If you want to catch some specific type, you can do:

void coolFunction() => throw UnimplementedError();

void main() {
    try {
    } on UnimplementedError {
        print("Bro need to implement that function!");

In case you want to do something with the catch object.

class ValidationError extends ArgumentError {

void validateAge(int age) {
    if (age < 0) {
        throw ValidationError("Age can be less than 0");

void main() {
    try {
    } on ArgumentError catch (e) {