
Patterns #

Patterns in this context is about pattern matching and should not to be confused with design patterns or regular expressions.

Many modern object-oriented programming languages (including Dart) are increasingly adopting features previously associated with the paradigm of functional programming.

You likely already know about lambda expressions (aka anonymous functions).

Another functional programming concept that have found its way into many OOP languages are pattern matching. The exact functionality and syntax can vary a bit between languages, but the overall idea is the same. A variation of pattern matching can be found in C# and Java. There is also a proposal for ECMAScript (JavaScript).

In short, pattern matching can be used to destructure objects and in many ways provide an elegant alternative to express conditions when compared to boolean logic.

Patterns provide a compact syntax to express conditionals based on the “shape” of a value and extract values from objects.

Pattern sorter

Records #

To support pattern matching, many languages have added support for a type called record. Records are immutable aggregate types. In layman terms, immutable means that they can’t change after instantiation. And aggregate means that they are types that can combine values of other types.

You can think of records as a shorthand for classes where all fields are declared as final.

Here is a record in Dart.

(int, {String firstName, String lastName}) record = (1, firstName: "Joe", lastName: "Doe");

Where (int, {String firstName, String lastName}) is the type and (1, firstName: "Joe", lastName: "Doe") is the value.

Notice the syntax for declaring record type is similar to how you declare parameters for functions. And the syntax for declaring a record value is similar to have you pass arguments to a function.

You can give a name (or alias) to the type.

typedef Person = (int, {String firstName, String lastName});

It can save you some typing if you use the same record type several places.

Person person1 = (1, firstName: "Joe", lastName: "Doe");
Person person2 = (2, firstName: "Alice", lastName: "Smith");

You can also leave out the type declaration and let the compiler infer the type from its value.

var record = (1, firstName: "Joe", lastName: "Doe");

void main() {

You can destructure (extract nested values) from a record.

typedef Person = (int, {String firstName, String lastName});

void main() {
  final person = (1, firstName: "Joe", lastName: "Doe");
  final Person(:firstName, :lastName) = person;
  print("$firstName's last name is $lastName");

Where final Person(:firstName, :lastName) = person creates a variable named firstName with the value of person.firstName and a variable named lastName with the value of person.lastName.

Traditionally (without destructuring) it would be written like this:

final person = (1, firstName: "Joe", lastName: "Doe");
final firstName = person.firstName;
final lastName = person.lastName;
print("$firstName's last name is $lastName");

Imagine that a person had many more fields you wanted to extract. Then using destructuring will save you a lot of typing.

Pattern matching #

The is keyword can be used to check if a value matches a certain type.

typedef Person = (int, {String firstName, String lastName});

void main() {
  final joe = (1, firstName: "Joe", lastName: "Doe");
  if (joe is Person) {
    print("It's a person");

Click “hide” to make the warning go away.

More interesting, the case construct can be used to match on destructured values.

typedef Person = (int, {String firstName, String lastName});

void main() {
  final person = (1, firstName: "Morticia", lastName: "Addams");
  if (person case Person(lastName: "Addams")) {
    print("You found a member of the Addams family");

To learn about how patterns work in Dart, check out the links below.

Challenge #

Rewrite the algorithm to determine if someone is allowed to buy alcohol, to a switch expression.

Here are the rules:

  • Beverages with 1.2 percent alcohol or more may not be sold to persons under the age of 16
  • When selling beverages with 1.2 to 16.5 percent alcohol, the retailer must verify that the customer are 16 years of age
  • Beverages with 16.5 percent alcohol or more may not be sold to persons under the age of 18

{$ begin main.dart $}
bool canBuyAlcohol((int yourAge, double alcoholPercentage) purchase) =>
    switch (purchase) {
      // TODO your implementation here
      _ => false,

{$ end main.dart $}
{$ begin solution.dart $}
bool canBuyAlcohol((int yourAge, double alcoholPercentage) purchase) =>
    switch (purchase) {
      (var age, _) when age >= 18 => true,
      (var age, var alc) when age >= 16 && alc < 16.5 => true,
      (var age, var alc) when age < 16 && alc < 1.2 => true,
      _ => false,

{$ end solution.dart $}
{$ begin test.dart $}
// import './solution.dart';
// import '../mock_result.dart';

// final _result = result;

void main() {
  final List<(int, double, bool)> testCases = [
    (15, 5.0, false),
    (16, 16.5, false),
    (16, 16.4, true),
    (17, 16.5, false),
    (17, 16.4, true),
    (18, 37, true),
  final results = {
    final (age, alc, expected) = e;
    final bool actual = canBuyAlcohol((age, alc));
    final success = actual == expected;
    final msg =
        'A person aged $age ${expected ? "can" : "can not"} buy beverages with $alc% alcohol';
    return (success, msg);
  if (results.any((element) => !element.$1)) {
    _result(false, results.where((e) => !e.$1).map((e) => e.$2).toList());
  } else {
    _result(true, => e.$2).toList());

{$ end test.dart $}
{$ begin test_import.dart $}
part 'test.dart';
{$ end test_import.dart $}