Supports: MQTT v3(3.1 and 3.1.1)
Doesn't work with MQTT v5
Project #
Link #
There are 3 projects in the repository.
Simulates a IoT “smart” light that can be turned on an off. It prints an ASCII art representation of the light each time its power state changes.
Program exits when you hit
Is a Flutter app that can control (send on/off commands to) the IoT light. It also displays an indication of the power status using emojis.
- 🤔 = Unknown (haven’t received status for the light yet)
- 💡 = Lights on
- 🌃 = Light off
Emojis might look different depending on the font
Contains protocol code shared between iot_light and light_controller.
Getting started #
The setup requires that you run broker, iot_light and light_controller at the same time.
MQTT broker #
First you need a MQTT broker. If you want to try the Flutter app in a web-browser then you need a broker that supports MQTT over WebSocket.
I have only tested with Mosquitto as broker. Repository contains a configuration file for it.
mosquitto -c mosquitto.conf
IoT Light #
If you use a different broker you need to adjust server, port and credentials in
cd iot_light
dart pub get
dart run
Light controller #
Works on Chrome and Android. Additional work might be needed for iOS.
If you use a different broker then you will need to adjust server, port and
credentials in light_controller/lib/main.dart
Browser #
Running the app in a browser requires a broker that supports MQTT over WebSocket.
cd light_controller
flutter pub get
flutter run -d chrome
Android #
The Android emulator got its own IP stack.
So, localhost
inside the emulator won’t be the same as your host OS (mac,
Connecting to
will allow it to connect to a broker as on your host
See more
Start the Android emulator (or connect a real device), then do:
cd light_controller
flutter pub get
flutter run
How it works #
Protocol #
With MQTT, you can publish and subscribe to topics. It doesn’t care about how messages are structured. In this project we are using JSON to structure messages.
The controller sends commands to the Light on one topic. IoT light responds to commands with a status on another topic.
The messages are defined here and the application protocol is defined here.
MQTT library #
It uses the mqtt_client package. It ships with two MQTT client implementations.
- MqttServerClient for normal MQTT
- MqttBrowserClient for MQTT over WebSocket (needed in browser)
They share the same MqttClient interface/base-class.
Instantiate it:
MqttClient mqttClient = MqttServerClient.withPort(server, clientIdentifier, port)
In web-browser you need to do this instead:
MqttClient mqttClient = MqttBrowserClient.withPort("ws://$server/", clientIdentifier, wsPort);
“ws” is short for WebSocket
Enabling logging can be useful for debugging:
mqttClient.logging(on: true);
Auto-reconnect can be enables with:
mqttClient.autoReconnect = true;
You need to connect before subscripting to topics.
await mqttClient.connect();
Or if your broker requires credentials.
await mqttClient.connect(username, password);
You subscribe with:
mqttClient.subscribe("topic", qos);
Where qos
The toJson
and fromJson
for the messages are implemented by hand.
For more complex scenarios you might want to consider using
json_serializable to generate the
To work with JSON over MQTT you need to serialize when publishing and deserialize updates from subscribed topics. I wrote some extension methods that might help.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:mqtt_client/mqtt_client.dart';
extension JsonMqttClientExtension on MqttClient {
/// The stream on which all subscribed topic updates are published to,
/// deserialized from JSON.
/// **Important** `fromJson` must be compatible with messages on all
/// subscribed topics.
Stream<JsonMessage<T>> jsonUpdates<T>(
{required T Function(Map<String, dynamic> json) fromJson}) {
return updates!.expand((updates) sync* {
for (final update in updates) {
// Get payload from update
final mqttMessage = update.payload as MqttPublishMessage;
final topic = update.topic;
final payload = MqttPublishPayload.bytesToStringAsString(
// Deserialize JSON
print("Update payload: $payload");
final json = jsonDecode(payload);
final message = fromJson(json);
// Forward protocol
yield (topic: topic, message: message);
/// Publish JSON message
int publishJsonMessage<T>(String topic, Map<String, dynamic> json) {
// Serialize message json
final payload = jsonEncode(json);
final builder = MqttClientPayloadBuilder()..addString(payload);
// Publish serialized message to topic
return publishMessage(topic, MqttQos.atLeastOnce, builder.payload!);
typedef JsonMessage<T> = ({String topic, T message});
Drop the code above into you project.
Import the file where you are working with MqttClient
It will add publishJsonMessage
and jsonUpdates
to MqttClient
The jsonUpdates
method will
expand the
stream of updates from MqttClient.
It is implemented as a
You might need to adapt the code if you got different topics with messages types that don’t share a common base class.